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Hugo Leven

Hugo Leven studied at the Art Academy in Dusseldorf and was soon active on the international market. The items he designed (candlesticks, tableware, jewelry) are typical of the JUGENDSTILstyle and are still in production.

Hugo Leven, in parallel with his position at the Zeichenakademie in Hanau, produced a large serie of elegant objects and jewelry in silver of very high quality all typical of the Jugendstil. He became art director of the German metalware company J.P. Kayser & Sons, producing the famous pewters Kayserzinn but worked also for the Kreuter Company in Hanau. While he was teaching the industrial way of producing objects, he himself favoured the unique piece handcrafted by hand.

Almost all of his original works and papers have dissapeared in the World War II. Only fragments remain available today to understand and appreciate the great talent of Hugo Leven.
    fruktskål med håndtak - tulipaner   cm 29 x h 22     tinnfat - Honningbier   cm 15     tinnfat - Honningbier   cm 22     te kanne - fisk og snegl   cm 14 x 30 x h 20,5